I'm not sure why I wrote this and it certainly doesn't cover everything in the day. But I thought it might make some of you smile. :-)
I snooze my alarm until the last possible minute, hoping for a fog delay or some other random delay to allow me just a few more minutes in bed. It doesn't happen. So I draaaaaag my behind out of my bed. I get myself dressed then go get my youngest up to get ready for the bus. Meanwhile my oldest skips merrily through the house singing in a Mary-Poppins-like tone about the day before us. I roll my eyes so far I can almost see my brain. I'm not a morning person.
I try to clean.
I make breakfast. I try to convince my son (youngest) to try something besides peanut butter and jelly for his lunch. He laments and refuses. I roll my eyes and pack his usual.
I try to clean.
My daughter (oldest) asks for a run down of the day (as she does every day) with great expectations. I tell her we have school. She droops. Then quickly recovers and continues singing random made up songs in an opera like voice.
I try to clean.
I take my son out to the bus stop and wait for the bus. I remind him right up to the last minute to behave and NOT to pee on trees on the playground. The bus arrives and I smother him with kisses and I love you's and send him off.
I try to clean.
I check on the chickens and I'm greeted by a bunch of ninja type noises.....bwaaaaaaaaa. One day I suspect they will bust into ninja moves. For now they watch and wait.....
Back in the house my daughter has some random project out and spread over the entire couch. I tell her it's time to get our school work done. She sighs and plops at her desk. We do our Bible study. We start math. She keeps popping up with random stories. I tell her to focus. She pouts. We go through much of our school work this way. I grade papers. We discuss lessons. Then it's time for lunch.
I try to clean.
We go to the kitchen and she makes a little something for her and I make a little something for me. We joke and giggle. We make voices for our pets and act like they are speaking to us. I roll my eyes at myself.
I try to clean.
Now we finish up book work for school and move on to crafts, music, or a project, etc. And my daughter sings more. I begin to feel like my life is a musical.
I try to clean.
It's time for my sons bus to arrive. I head out and wait. His bus arrives. I can tell by his exit what his behavior was. If he got into trouble his head droops and he drags his sulky feet over to me. If he's been good he bounds off the bus. He says he's hungry. I roll my eyes and tell him he's ALWAYS hungry. We go inside where he is greeted eagerly by our dogs. He eats a snack and says he is STILL hungry. We do his homework.
I try to clean.
I realize dinner is quickly approaching and I haven't planned anything. I go stand in the pantry and wait for a vision or light from heaven to show me what to make. It doesn't happen, so I eventually figure something out on my own.
I cook dinner. My husband gets home. We eat dinner and talk at the table. After dinner my son takes off outside and I look out the window to find him whizzing on a tree. I roll my eyes.
I try to clean.
My daughter shows off a dance or song she made up. I try not to laugh. My son plays in the dirt. My husband and I talk.
I try to clean.
Soon it is time for bed. We send the kids for their showers/pajamas. My daughter wraps herself in two towels and a floor length robe when she gets out of the shower and tries to tip toe through unnoticed. My son streaks through the house in his underwear giggling. My son tries to convince me to let him sleep with his army hat on and with his toy gun. I tell him no. I send them to brush teeth. I walk into the bathroom to find them acting like fountains squirting water out of their mouths....."trying" to hit the sink.
Then it's bible stories and prayers. I tuck them in and smother them with I love you's and kisses.
I look at the house and it looks like nobody has cleaned all week! I scold myself for not cleaning more. I try to clean, but I'm pooped. I draaaaag my behind to bed. I pray. I think of my family and the day. I tell myself tomorrow I won't hit the snooze button so many times.....
.....I snooze my alarm until the last possible minute.....
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