It's been awhile. I have been going through a time when I find it so difficult to share MY thoughts because there is an overwhelming number of thoughts on the web. It's staggering. Why would my tiny little cyber voice matter? Would it even be heard? Would I be adding to the chaos, rather than helping to sort through it? These are all questions that I've wrestled with over the past year. I LOVE writing. Particularly about spiritual matters. However, I've been uncertain about whether or not I should. I became so disheartened by the masses of people asserting undue levels of aggression in various blog comments. Not on my blog, but in just about any other comments feed. Every place I turned people were arguing, and over such petty things! I didn't want to be fueling a fire by throwing one more opinion on the heap of blogs.
I want very much to consistently write things that make people think, and encourage them. Yet, I was overwhelmed by the amount of information around me. How could I write something on a blog when there where probably 100 other blogs out there that said the same thing mine did. Though the months pass and I don't write, I think about writing almost every day. Maybe, just maybe, there is a reason for this. Perhaps I should not let the months pass again without writing. Maybe......
You should definitely write!